Retained Search

We collaborate with clients to address their critical hiring needs on a retained or exclusive agreement. Through our retained services, we offer our clients access to our dedicated team of experts who are committed to delivering exceptional results tailored to their specific requirements.

Our process begins with an in-depth consultation to understand the organizations culture and strategic goals, in order to develop a customized search strategy, leveraging our extensive network, industry insights and proven methodologies to identify and engage top tier talent. We also support our clients in negotiations by offering them market intelligence on various salary ranges as well as confirming the candidates expectations. Upon offer acceptance, we offer assistance with reference checks and initial onboarding tailored to our clients’ needs to ensure a smooth transition and successful integration.

Throughout the process, our team provides continuous support and guidance, ensuring transparency, efficiency and alignment with your objectives at every step. With our Retained Search service, you can confidently navigate the competitive landscape, secure top talent and drive sustainable growth for your organization.

We are located in

“ADIV Human Resources Consultancies L.L.C.”
2nd Floor, R364 Building,
Al Wasl Properties, Al Karama,
P.O. Box 122146, Dubai, U.A.E.

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